1. Say Hello to the person. e.g. Hey, Hi, Kia ora
2. Say something you like about their blog/post.
3. Say something they could improve.
4. Make a connection, e.g. this reminds me of...
5. Ask them a question.
6. Say goodbye.
By Faith
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
My Tiny House
We were learning to use perimeter, area and scale in our maths.
First we did a rough draft and on the draft we drew what we were going to put in our house in the correct places. Then we got our real copy of it: 2 walls 1 roof and a floor. We drew on where we were going to put everything. After that we made our furniture and stuck it on with hot glue. We coloured everything. Finally we stuck everything on with hot glue and now we are done.
Monday, 17 October 2016
A holiday in the life of a shoe
We are learning to write a recount that has a title, an orientation (beginning) with Who What When Where and Why, a middle that has all of the events in chronological order, and a conclusion (ending) that has a hint that it is the ending and gives an evualtion.
A Holiday In The Life Of A Shoe
It was a nice sunny Wednesday, and I was sitting on a shelf talking to all of my shoe friends and then all of a sudden I heard THUMP THUMP THUMP!!!! ‘Ahhhhh’ we all screamed, I was a human girl running towards the shelf I was on, she picked Tammy my friend and the human said, ‘ewwwwww, that colour looks like vomit’ and so she put down the screaming Tammy, and looked right at me.
After a long silence I got picked up ‘ These ones are PERFECT’ The girl said. I can not describe the feeling I felt when she said I was ‘PERFECT’ it felt so amazingly amazing but as she put me on the counter I looked across the room at Tammy, and she looked back at me, the expression on her face made me feel like the worst shoe friend in the world.
When we walked out of the shop the girl put me on and started running around, it was amazing, I had never been outside before, then she got in a big metal thing called a car and we went to a big house, the girl got dropped off to my owners cousins house and the mum got out and went inside with a littler girls. Then another human girl, about the same size came running out yelling stuff to my owner, it was sooooo loud I needed to block my ears / lace holes making the girl fall into mud when she started walking, she got up and tied my laces and walked up some stairs and took me off leaving me dirty and cold. For ages all I did was wait for her to come running out the door and put me on, but she never came.
I must've fallen asleep, because when I woke up I was in the car again not on anyone's feet but in the back of the car and I heard the mum saying I needed a wash. ‘But they’re brand new’ said the girl
‘I know, but they look like a pig has worn them.’
‘At least they’ll match my room.’ giggled the girl to her sister.
And that was all I really heard, because I started to think about Tammy and wondering if she had found a home and there was also the thought that I was going to be washed, when I was at the store, many, many, many shoes had come in looking like the dead, soleless, tongueless, and laceless from being washed, would that happen to me?
As soon as we got home I was carried by my laces, which hurt so much, but I knew it was useless to try telling the big tall human to put me down because I knew their ears couldn't pick up the frequency we spoke in. The human put me into a big metal thing called a washing machine and closed the lid. It was pitch black so I couldn't even see my laces in front of my eyes. Then all of sudden it made a loud noise, it started filling up with water and spinning around so fast my soul came right out, my tongue swelled up and my laces tangled around me, I felt like I was dieing.
After….. Um……that, I got taken out and hung on a line by my laces, and I shouted to the human, ‘ so you put me in a pit of death for 10 years and then you just hang me here to die’ and then a familiar voice said ‘ um, hi, just so you know it was a washing machine not a pit of death and I was 10 minutes not 10 years.’
‘TAMMY!’ I shouted ‘how are you here’
‘It's a long story, but your owner has a little sister, and she bought me a few hours after you left.’
‘Well then… I'm officially the happiest shoe ever.
Finally we got taken down and carried inside. We spent the rest of the holidays being talking and being taken for runs, even when it was dark and everyone was asleep, we would talk and tell each other the stories of how we were brought over and over again. I think the only way to describe the spring holiday is…. Awesome! By Faith
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
My Fitness Accomplishment This Year
At the start of the year I could only run half a lap without stopping and walking for the rest of the way but now I can run 4 laps without stopping. At the start of the year I wasn't flexible at all and now I can almost do a chest stand and I am loads more flexible than I was.
I think I have completed the success criteria because i have put in:
- An image
- A title that is large and easily read
- The right use of colours
- Clear bold font
- Minimises the facts - key words
- Images
- easily read and have a clear message
Friday, 9 September 2016
Faith's Oral Speech Presentation 2016 Self Evaluation
Oral Speech Presentation 2016 Self Evaluation
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Name: Faith
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Topic: Gymnastics
I chose the topic because: I am passionate about it and I think kids should know the consequences of over training.
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Mark yourself 1- to 5
1– is the least 5 - is the best
Volume (I could be heard)
Clarity of Speech (no mumbling)
Pace (speed of my speech- no racing )
Emotion ( I used my voice for effect and emotion and to get my point across)
Body Language (I stood still and confident)
Eye Contact ( I looked at the audience)
Structure (did I have an introduction – some points that were relevant and an ending)
Humour (I included some as part of the speech -not here’s a joke)
I rate my presentation
I think I could improve my speech by:
more eye contact, I should put more humour in, I need more expression and meaning.
We are learning to write a speech and add in humour, give eye contact, make it interesting and get the audience’s attention when you start.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Monday, 5 September 2016
Father's Day
For Social Studies we have been doing Father's day as a subject. Father’s Day is very special because it’s celebrating all of the responsibilities our dad’s have, and all of the things they go without so we can have things we need even if we don't need it, our dads have also supported us all these years and got us to do things we thought we couldn't do, and they have looked after us for as many years we have been alive.
Monday, 29 August 2016
Monday, 25 July 2016
Monday, 4 July 2016
My MONKEY mask!!!
Monday, 27 June 2016
My Descriptive Writing
In the picture there is a man in a coat and top hat using a walking stick to help him and a few other people in the distance. The man in the coat and top hat is walking down a street. On a cold, wet winter's night. The street is nearly deserted because it's a cold, rainy winter's night the only others are two others talking to one another in the distance. The place the man is walking down is a street in a town with a tall spooky castle in the background. There are some birds or bats flying in the fog on their way towards the old spooky castle. There is a creepy dead tree at one side. There is a crescent moon to the left of the castle. The only lit window is the clock tower over on the castle. It is a gloomy sort of street. The castle is so tall it looks over the whole town and it even reaches way up past the fog. The street is full of puddles and the street is all made of cold stone.
It really is a gloomy place.
By Faith.
The Future City
The Floating Island
Imagine living above the clouds. On a floating island, imagine living in a place it never rains but you still get water from big buckets hanging just below the clouds. Instead on having trampolines made of metal and plastic, polluting the earth more and more every day,there are nice fluffy bouncy clouds to jump on. And if you're wondering how the island stays fresh and moist and how it doesn't crumble apart, there are big fat roots hanging from it into the ocean and it also has a glass dome around the bottom that opens and closes. It only ever closes if the island starts to fall apart.
The island has houses. Lots of houses. But not just any houses, these houses are big glass domes that are impossible to break into and the good thing is that you can see out of them but no one can see into them. There is also a big glass dome over it that oxygen can get into. There is a guy always there by a big unbreakable door that lets people in and out.
There are lots of shops but the best shops are the cloud ice cream shop, it's made out of real cloud fluff. And the giant donut shop the donuts are so big, it takes a week to lick the icing off. And there is also a… 
Enormous shop full of anything you want there to be. It's called imagination world.
You will be amazed when you see the Floating Island!
By Faith!The World War
The World War
It was the middle of the second world war and there was a girl called Clara. This girl once had a home and a big family, they were all happy, she lived in a small house with her: Mum, Dad, three Grandparents, four brothers and 5 sisters. It really was a big family. Mum and Dad shared a room. The three grandparents shared a small room and all of the 10 siblings shared a room. There was only one bed in the house, and it was for the three old grandparents. The Mum and Dad had an old mattress and the kids had to sleep on the cold, hard wooden floor. It's not like we knew any different, we've been like this for as long as I can remember so it's no big deal.
I am Clara and I will tell you my story.
All that happy family stuff changed so suddenly no one saw it coming.
I am the middle child of my family so it's hard to get noticed, and that's probably why I'm so violent, so I get noticed, my older siblings are always complaining about homework, boys and girls, being picked on and all of that extra boring stuff, and I don't get how they don't just sort it out themselves, I wrote a list of how to solve their problems.
- Homework: Just don't do it what's the big deal, I don't do it.
- Boys and girls: Just stay away from the opposite gender and your heart won't be broken. Easy.
- Being picked on / bullied, easy fix: punch them in the face and no one will be mean ever again, and if they are, punch them again until they stop.
Little siblings. The are the annoyingest things in the universe. Am I right?
Always wanting stuff that's yours, taking your candy, and most important thing of all…
Embarrassing you in front of your friends!
Always complaining.
List of how to get rid of your ANNOYING little siblings. (For now)
- Lock them in a closet or room.
- Say the Easter Bunny is outside holding a sign saying FREE CANDY!
- Say ‘if you don't leave me alone the boogie man is going to get you and eat you up!’
One day, soldiers from another country came into our town and took lots of people. Mum and dad were out at work, all of my siblings were at school. And my Grandparents were helping mum and dad with the book shop they worked in, because they are going through a hard time selling books.
I was the only one at home. I stayed home because I was getting bullied by a girl called Ellie so I punched her in the face and broke her nose!
I heard lots of yelling and screaming outside and occasionally a few gunshots. It was usually a very quiet town so I went to the window and saw something terrifying! There were lots of men in army uniforms, the men were going around each and every house, taking everyone's valuables and the ones that wouldn't hand them over were taken outside into the street and shot in front of everyone. I was so scared I didn't even hear the knock at my door. Then I heard someone yelling from my door, it was one of the soldiers. I was terrified, I didn't know what to do, then the man yelled “ open the door or I will come in and shoot everyone of you inside.”
Right now I have to make a life or death decision.
Suddenly I had an amazing idea, my siblings and I always play hide and seek, it's really hard when there's ten of us all hiding in our small house, but I never get found, I always hide in the exact same place every time we play…
Under the floorboards!!!
No one would ever find me there.
So I ran to my room that I shared with all of my sisters, lifted up the floor board under my mattress and climbed through the narrow hole into a dark room. I had never taken a flashlight into my hiding place because I knew I would get found, but this time I did take a flashlight and food and water and a shovel to dig a tunnel.
I could hear the soldier break the door down and he came into my room!!!
I was scared.
He stood right over my head for what seemed like forever, I held my breath.
Then he said “ I know you're in here, I can feel it.
Then he looked down.
I felt like I was going to scream.
The soldier was still looking down, it was like he was trying to see what was down below the floorboards.
Then I realised he was looking for me. He knew I was down there, he was waiting for me to give myself away.
I didn't dare move or breath.
Suddenly I felt a sharp tug on my sweater.
I was completely terrified. I didn't know if it was my mum or dad or a soldier.
Reluctantly I tip-toed as quietly as I could towards whatever or whoever it was.
The man left the room, it almost made me laugh out loud to where he went to.
He went to the toilet and he was farting so loudly, I bet the whole world could hear it.
Suddenly the whole underground room was filled with bright light.
I quickly turned around to see where the light was coming from, and there right behind me was…
My best friend Liberty!
I was so relieved it wasn't anyone else.
But the one questions is, why is she here, under my house?
“Liberty, why are you under my house and how did you get here, shouldn’t you be at school?” I asked all in one breath.
“Clara, I'm so glad to see you, and I was going to ask you the same thing, why aren't you at school?”
“I got stood down for punching Ellie in the face and breaking her nose.”
“Ha ha ha, she deserved it” Liberty laughed. “I got sent home for slapping the teacher right on the face after she hit me for writing notes while she was talking.”
Me and Liberty have been best friends since the first day of year one. We have never been really good kids, we used to get into a lot of fights with other kids and sometimes even a teacher. We both had to do counseling for the violent ways we sorted out arguments. I never really understood why I couldn't just hit someone if they were being mean or annoying.
She took me down a dark passage way, we made our way out of the passage into the dark night under a tree, it was night, already?
We walked for what seemed like hours but it was only three minutes.
“We’re there” Liberty told me.
I looked up half asleep.
I stood in front of the biggest, coolest…
“It's just a tree.” I said confused.
“Exactly” she said looking rather proud.
“Come on this way” she said skipping towards the tree.
I followed her to the tree. Then she held her hand to the tree like it was scanning her hand.
Suddenly the tree opened up so there was now an open door in a tree.
Liberty walked through the door like she did it every day. I followed her.
The door closed.
We were now in an elevator. We went down, we were still going down five minutes later.
Then we stopped. The doors open and I was standing at the entrance of a whole underground city. No wonder I have never been to liberty’s house before!
She walked me to her house, it was rather big and it was painted rainbow on the outside and blue on the inside.
She explained what had happened and her parents said that I could live with them because my parents were taken to a concentration camp and are probably dead. But at least I know I will be safe here in the underground city, me, my best friend and her parents will live happily ever after.
I never found out what happened to my family, my Grandparents, Mum, Dad, and all of my siblings. I think about my family all the time but I don't get too upset about them, of course I miss them but I have accepted that that was what was meant to happen to them and to me.
By Faith.Monday, 20 June 2016
Monday, 13 June 2016
Saturday, 11 June 2016
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