Monday, 27 June 2016

My Descriptive Writing

In the picture there is a man in a coat and top hat using a walking stick to help him and a few other people in the distance. The man in the coat and top hat is walking down a street. On a  cold, wet winter's night. The street is nearly deserted because it's a cold, rainy winter's night the only others are two others talking to one another in the distance. The place the man is walking down is a street in a town with a tall spooky castle in the background. There are some birds or bats flying in the fog on their way towards the old spooky castle. There is a creepy dead tree at one side. There is a crescent moon to the left of the castle. The only lit window is the clock tower over on the castle. It is a gloomy sort of street. The castle is so tall it looks over the whole town and it even reaches way up past the fog. The street is full of puddles and the street is all made of cold stone.

It really is a gloomy place.
By Faith.

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